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[1 CD] RD84680

내 음반WishList
거슈윈: "포기와 베스" 
GERSHWIN: Porgy and Bess

[Bess] Clamma Dale
[Clara Jake's Wife] Betty Lane
[Coroner] John B. Ross
[Crab Man] Steven Alex-Cole
[Crown, a Stevedore] Andrew Smith
[Detective] Hansford Rowe
[Jake A Fisherman] Alexander B. Smalls
[Jasbon Brown] Dick Hyman
[Jim, A Cotton Picker] Hartwell Mace
[Lily, Peter's Wife] Myra Merritt
[Maria Keeper Of The Cook-shop] Carol Brice
[Mingo] Bernard Thacker
[Mr. Archdale, A Lawer] Kenneth Barry
[Nelson] Steven Alex-Cole
[Peter, The Honey Man] Mervin Wallace
[Policeman] William Gammon
[Porgy, A Crippled Beggar] Donnie Ray Albert
[Robbins] Glover Parham
[Scipio] Alex Carrington
[Serena, Robbin's Wife] Wilma Shakesnider
[Sportin' Life, A Dope Peddler] Larry Marshall
[Strawberry Woman] Phyllis Bash
[Undertaker] Cornel Richie

John DeMain (conductor)
Houston Grand Opera Ensemble
Houston Grand Opera Children's Chorus
Houston Grand Opera Orchestra

 녹음: 1976/11/22~24 Stereo, Analog
장소: RCA Studios, New York

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2020/10/20 10***님 입력]

[RD84680] Highlights
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