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[1 CD] BIS-CD-825

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소장한 회원: 1명
시벨리우스: 드높은 하늘 Op. 107/JS 58a (1927) 
SIBELIUS: Den höga himlen [The Lofty Heaven], Op. 107/JS 58a (1927)

Astrid Riska (conductor)
Jubilate Choir

 녹음: 1996/09/06, 08 Stereo, Digital
장소: Danderyds Gymnasium, Danderyd, Sweden

[2013/4/21 da***님 입력]
시벨리우스: 크리스마스 날 (1929) 
SIBELIUS: Jouluna (1929)

Astrid Riska (conductor)
Jubilate Choir

 녹음: 1996/09/06, 08 Stereo, Digital
장소: Danderyds Gymnasium, Danderyd, Sweden

[2013/4/21 da***님 입력]
시벨리우스: 축제 행진곡 JS 105 (1929) 
SIBELIUS: Joululaulu [Festive March ], JS 105 (1929)

Astrid Riska (conductor)
Jubilate Choir

 녹음: 1996/09/06, 08 Stereo, Digital
장소: Danderyds Gymnasium, Danderyd, Sweden

[2013/4/21 da***님 입력]
시벨리우스: 노동자 행진곡 JS 212 (1896) 
SIBELIUS: Työkansan marssi [March of the Workers], JS 212 (1896)

Astrid Riska (conductor)
Jubilate Choir

 녹음: 1996/09/06, 08 Stereo, Digital
장소: Danderyds Gymnasium, Danderyd, Sweden

[2013/4/21 da***님 입력]
시벨리우스: 우시마 사람들의 노래 JS 214a (1912) 
SIBELIUS: Uusmaalaisten laulu [The Song of the People of Uusimaa], JS 214a (1912)

Astrid Riska (conductor)
Jubilate Choir

 녹음: 1996/09/06, 08 Stereo, Digital
장소: Danderyds Gymnasium, Danderyd, Sweden

[2013/4/21 da***님 입력]

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