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[2 CD] CDS629/1~2

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소장한 회원: 1명
바흐: 푸가 C장조 BWV 953 
BACH: Fugue in C major BWV 953

Andrea Bacchetti (Piano)

 녹음: 2008/03, 09 Stereo, Digital
장소: Sala Verdi of the Milan Conservatory / Fazioli Concert Hall of Sacile, Italy

[2011/4/6 jo***님 입력]
바흐: 전주곡과 푸게타 G 장조 BWV 902a 
BACH: Prelude and fughetta in G Major BWV 902a

Andrea Bacchetti (Piano)

 녹음: 2008/03, 09 Stereo, Digital
장소: Sala Verdi of the Milan Conservatory / Fazioli Concert Hall of Sacile, Italy

[2011/4/6 jo***님 입력]
바흐: 전주곡과 푸게타 D단조 BWV 899 
BACH: Prelude and Fughetta in D minor BWV 899

Andrea Bacchetti (Piano)

 녹음: 2008/03, 09 Stereo, Digital
장소: Sala Verdi of the Milan Conservatory / Fazioli Concert Hall of Sacile, Italy

[2011/4/6 jo***님 입력]
바흐: 전주곡과 푸게타 E단조 BWV 900 
BACH: Prelude and Fughetta in E minor BWV 900

Andrea Bacchetti (Piano)

 녹음: 2008/03, 09 Stereo, Digital
장소: Sala Verdi of the Milan Conservatory / Fazioli Concert Hall of Sacile, Italy

[2011/4/6 jo***님 입력]
바흐: 전주곡과 푸가 A단조 BWV 895 
BACH: Prelude and Fugue in A minor BWV 895

Andrea Bacchetti (Piano)

 녹음: 2008/03, 09 Stereo, Digital
장소: Sala Verdi of the Milan Conservatory / Fazioli Concert Hall of Sacile, Italy

[2011/4/6 jo***님 입력]

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