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[155 CD] 93102

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 18명
바흐: 15곡의 인벤션 BWV 772-786 
BACH: 15 Two-Part Inventions BWV 772-786

Peter-Jan Belder, harpsichord/Cembalo

 녹음: 1999/11/16-17 Stereo, Digital
장소: Maria Mainor , Utrecht, The Netherlands

[2012/10/10 oh***님 입력]
바흐: 15곡의 신포니아 BWV 787-801 
BACH: 15 Three-Part Inventions (Sinfonias) BWV 787-801

Peter-Jan Belder, harpsichord/Cembalo

 녹음: 1999/11/16-17 Stereo, Digital
장소: Maria Mainor , Utrecht, The Netherlands

[2012/10/10 oh***님 입력]
바흐: 요한 수난곡 BWV 245 
BACH: Johannes-Passion BWV 245

John Mark Ainsley (Evangelist, tenor)
Stephen Richardson (Christus, bass)
Catherine Bott (Soprano)
Micheal Chance (Alto)
Paul Agnew (Tenor)
Stephen Varcoe (Bass/Pilatus)

Spephen Cleobury (conductor)
The Brandenburg Consort (Leader : Roy Goodman)
King`s College Choir, Cambridge

 녹음: 1995 Surround, Digital
장소: unknown

[2012/10/14 oh***님 입력]

[93102] 녹음 연도가 1996년으로 표기
바흐: 골드베르크 변주곡 BWV 988 
BACH: Goldberg Variations BWV 988

Pieter-Jan Belder

 녹음: 1999/04/08 Stereo, Digital
장소: Arts Music Recording, Rotterdam

[2012/10/15 oh***님 입력]

바흐: 바이올린 소나타 4번 C단조 BWV 1017 
BACH: Violin Sonata No. 4 in C minor BWV 1017

Luis Otavio Santos, baroqe violin
Pieter-Jan Belder, harpschord

 녹음: 1999/10/25-29 Stereo, Digital
장소: Maria Minor, Utrecht, The Netherlands

[2012/10/15 oh***님 입력]

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