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[2 CD] AV2300

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 1명
브람스: 헝가리 무곡(arr. Alfred Piatti) 
BRAHMS: Hungarian Dances(arr. Alfred Piatti)

Jonathan Aaasgaard: cello
Martin Roscoe: piano

 녹음: 2014ⓟ Stereo, Digital
장소: The Friary, Liverpool

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2016/4/16 ne***님 입력]

[AV2300] no.1,2,5,6,7
브람스: 들의 적막 op. 86-2 - 6개의 노래 중에서 
BRAHMS: Feldeinsamkeit op. 86-2 - from 6 Gesänge

Jonathan Aaasgaard: cello
Martin Roscoe: piano

 녹음: 2014ⓟ Stereo, Digital
장소: The Friary, Liverpool

[2016/4/16 ne***님 입력]
브람스: 자장가 
BRAHMS: Wiegenlied

Jonathan Aaasgaard: cello
Martin Roscoe: piano

 녹음: 2014ⓟ Stereo, Digital
장소: The Friary, Liverpool

[2016/4/16 ne***님 입력]
브람스: 피아노 협주곡 2번 중 안단테 (Arr. Cord Garben) 
BRAHMS: Andante from Piano Concerto no.2 (Arr. Cord Garben)

Jonathan Aaasgaard: cello
Martin Roscoe: piano

 녹음: 2014ⓟ Stereo, Digital
장소: The Friary, Liverpool

[2016/4/16 ne***님 입력]

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