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[1 SACD] BIS-SACD-1436

내 음반WishList
헨델: 알렉산더의 축연 HWV 75 
HANDEL: Alexander's Feast HWV 75

Carolyn Sampson (soprano)
Robin Blaze (counter-tenor)

Nicholas Kraemer (conductor)
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment

 녹음: 2005/01 Surround, Digital
장소: St. Paul's Church, New Southgate, London

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2013/6/12 da***님 입력]

[BIS-SACD-1436] Let's imitate her notes above
헨델: 에스터 HWV 50b 
HANDEL: Esther, HWV 50b

Carolyn Sampson (soprano)
Robin Blaze (counter-tenor)

Nicholas Kraemer (conductor)
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment

 녹음: 2005/01 Surround, Digital
장소: St. Paul's Church, New Southgate, London

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2013/6/12 da***님 입력]

[BIS-SACD-1436] Who calls my parting soul

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