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[1 CD] CPO999543-2

내 음반WishList
뢰베: 작은 꽃 
LOEWE: The Little Flower

Ruth Ziesak, soprano

Cord Garben, piano

 녹음: 1997/05/20-23 Stereo, Digital
장소: Sendesaal Villa Berg des SDR

[2007/3/11 de***님 입력]
뢰베: 눈송이 작품 63,1 
LOEWE: The Snowflake op.63,1

Ruth Ziesak, soprano

Cord Garben, piano

 녹음: 1997/05/20-23 Stereo, Digital
장소: Sendesaal Villa Berg des SDR

[2007/3/11 de***님 입력]
뢰베: 방랑자의 노래 
LOEWE: Wanderer's Song

Ruth Ziesak, soprano

Cord Garben, piano

 녹음: 1997/05/20-23 Stereo, Digital
장소: Sendesaal Villa Berg des SDR

[2007/3/11 de***님 입력]

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