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[1 CD] MK42122

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 1명
포레: 펠레아스와 멜리장드 op. 80 
FAURE: Pelleas et Mellisande op. 80

Branford Marsalis (soprano saxophone)

Andrew Litton (conductor)
The English Chamber Orchestra

 녹음: 1986/06/17 Stereo, Digital
장소: Henry Wood Hall, London, England

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2012/2/17 pp***님 입력]

[MK42122] - Sicilienne
Orchestrated and edited by Michel Colombier
스트라빈스키: 풀치넬라 
STRAVINSKY: Pulcinella

Branford Marsalis (soprano saxophone)

Andrew Litton (conductor)
The English Chamber Orchestra

 녹음: 1986/06/17 Stereo, Digital
장소: Henry Wood Hall, London, England

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2012/2/17 pp***님 입력]

[MK42122] - Serenata
Orchestrated and edited by Michel Colombier
무소륵스키: 전람회의 그림 
MUSSORGSKY: Pictures at an Exhibition

Branford Marsalis (soprano saxophone)

Andrew Litton (conductor)
The English Chamber Orchestra

 녹음: 1986/06/17 Stereo, Digital
장소: Henry Wood Hall, London, England

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2012/2/17 pp***님 입력]

[MK42122] - The Old Castle
Orchestrated and edited by Michel Colombier

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