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[11 CD] 3984-25715-2

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 4명
바흐: 골드베르크 변주곡 BWV 988 
BACH: Goldberg Variations BWV 988

Gustav Leonhardt

 녹음: 1965? Stereo, Analog
장소: Not Written

[2003/10/30 mu***님 입력]
바흐: 피아노 소나타 D단조 BWV 964 
BACH: Sonata for keyboard in D minor, BWV 964

Andreas Staier (harpsichord)

 녹음: 1997/12 Stereo, Digital
장소: DeutschlandRadio, Cologne

[2003/10/30 mu***님 입력]
바흐: 소나타 A단조 BWV 965 
BACH: Sonata in A minor BWV 965

Andreas Staier (harpsichord)

 녹음: 1997/12 Stereo, Digital
장소: DeutschlandRadio, Cologne

[2003/10/30 mu***님 입력]
바흐: 소나타 C 장조 BWV 966 (라인케인의 소나타에 의한) 
BACH: Sonata in C Major BWV 966 (by Jan Adams Reinkens based on the Sonata No. 11 of "Hortus mu

Andreas Staier (harpsichord)

 녹음: 1997/12 Stereo, Analog
장소: DeutschlandRadio, Cologne

[2003/10/30 mu***님 입력]
바흐: 소나타 G 장조 BWV 968 (II-IV는 무반주 바이올린 소나타 2번 BWV1005 편곡) 
BACH: Sonata in G major BWV 968 (II-IV after Sonata for Violin BWV 1005)

Andreas Staier (harpsichord)

 녹음: 1997/12 Stereo, Digital
장소: DeutschlandRadio, Cologne

[2003/10/30 mu***님 입력]

[3984-25715-2] 1.Adagio: arr. by Johann Sebastian Bach
2.Fuga ~ 4.Allegro assai: arr. by Andreas Staier

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