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[2 CD] SBT2.1413

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소장한 회원: 1명
장 폴 에지드 마르티니: 사랑의 기쁨 
MARTINI, Jean Paul Egide: Plaisir d'amour

Cesare Valletti

Leo Taubman

 녹음: 1960/10/29 Stereo, Analog
장소: Town Hall, New York

[2019/2/7 li***님 입력]
스테파노 도나우디: 놀랍게 닮은 그대 모습 
DONAUDY, Stefano: Vaghissima sembianza

Cesare Valletti

Leo Taubman

 녹음: 1960/10/29 Stereo, Analog
장소: Town Hall, New York

[2019/2/7 li***님 입력]
스테파노 도나우디: 내 사랑은 가버리고 
DONAUDY, Stefano: O del mio amato ben

Cesare Valletti

Leo Taubman

 녹음: 1960/10/29 Stereo, Analog
장소: Town Hall, New York

[2019/2/7 li***님 입력]
로저 퀼터: Drink to me only with thine eyes 
QUILTER, Roger: Drink to me only with thine eyes

Cesare Valletti

Leo Taubman

 녹음: 1960/10/29 Stereo, Analog
장소: Town Hall, New York

[2019/2/7 li***님 입력]
로저 퀼터: Believe me if all those endearing young charms  
QUILTER, Roger: Believe me if all those endearing young charms

Cesare Valletti

Leo Taubman

 녹음: 1960/10/29 Stereo, Analog
장소: Town Hall, New York

[2019/2/7 li***님 입력]

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