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[40 CD] ANNI0040

내 음반WishList
소장한 회원: 1명
버터워스: 그린 윌로우 둑 
BUTTERWORTH: The Banks of Green Willow

Richard Hickox (conductor)
London Symphony Orchestra

 녹음: 2000/12/18-19 Stereo, Digital
장소: All Saints' Church, Tooting, London

[2020/9/23 10***님 입력]
본 윌리엄스: 교향곡 2번 G장조 "런던 교향곡" 
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Symphony No. 2 in G major "A London Symphony"

Richard Hickox (conductor)
London Symphony Orchestra

 녹음: 2000/12/18-19 Stereo, Digital
장소: All Saint' Church, Tooting, London

[2020/9/23 10***님 입력]
퍼셀: "디도와 에네아스" Z. 626 
PURCELL: Dido and Aeneas Z. 626

Sarah Connolly: mezzo-soprano
Gerald Finley: baritone
John Mark insley: tenor

Elizabeth Kenny
Steven Devine: music directors (conductor)
Orchestra of the age of Enlightenment
Choir of the Enlightenment

 녹음: 2008/06/23-25 Stereo, Digital
장소: St Silas the Martyr, Kentish Town, London

[2020/9/23 10***님 입력]
클라리스 아사드: 블루질리언 
ASSAD, Clarice: Bluezilian

Aquarelle Guitar Quartet

 녹음: 2007/08/03-05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Haden Freeman Concert Hall, Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, England

[2020/9/23 10***님 입력]
빌라-로보스: 브라질풍의 바흐 5번 
VILLA-LOBOS: Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5

Aquarelle Guitar Quartet

 녹음: 2007/08/03-05 Stereo, Digital
장소: Haden Freeman Concert Hall, Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, England

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2020/9/23 10***님 입력]

[ANNI0040] Aria

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