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[1 DVD-Video] 2.110393

화면비: 16:9
사운드: PCM Stereo DTS

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라모: 이집트의 신들 
RAMEAU: Les Dieux d'Egypte ou Les Fetes de l'Hyment et de l'Amour

Orthésie / Orie - Claire Debono
Osiris / Aruéris - Jeffrey Thompson
Myrrine / Memphis - Ingrid Perruche
Canope - François Lis
L’Amour - Kelly Ballou
Un plaisir - Aaron Sheehan
L’Hymen - Laetitia Spitzer Grimaldi
Le Grand-Prêtre - William Sharp
Un Berger égyptien - Kyle Bielfield

Ryan Brown (conductor)
New York Baroque Dance Company
Seán Curran Company
Opera Lafayette Chorus and Orchestra

 녹음: 2014/10/06 Surround, Digital
장소: John F. Kennedy Center, Washington

[2022/4/10 oh***님 입력]

[2.110393] Catherine Turocy, Anuradha Nehru and Seán Curran, stage directors and choreographers

네티즌 200자평

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리뷰는 동호회 게시판으로 링크됩니다.
RAMEAU: Les Dieux d'Egypte ou Les Fetes de l'Hyment et de l'Amour mp3파일 다운로드등록된 음반: 2종

 라모: 이집트의 신들   (전곡녹음 - 녹음연도순)
 2014/10/06    Ryan Brown

 라모: 이집트의 신들   (부분녹음 - 녹음연도순)
 1996/10/29-30   Christophe Rousset
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