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[1 CD] 09026-68450-2

내 음반WishList
코릴리아노: 분노와 기억에 관하여 (1991) 
Corigliano, John: Of Rage and Remembrance (1991)

Michael Accinno (soprano)
Michelle DeYoung (mezzo-soprano)
Robert P. Baker, Michael Forest (tenor)
James Shaffran, Jason Stearns (baritone)

Leonard Slatkin (conductor)
National Symphyony Orchestra
Oratorio Society of Washington
Washington Choral Arts Society

 녹음: 1995/11/09~1996/07/19 Stereo, Digital
장소: John F.Kennedy Center For Performing Arts, Washington DC

[2011/5/6 da***님 입력]
코릴리아노: 교향곡 제1번 
Corigliano, John: Symphony No. 1

Glenn Garlick, David Hardy (Vlc.)
Lambert Orkis (Pf.)

Leonard Slatkin (conductor)
National Symphyony Orchestra
Oratorio Society of Washington
Washington Choral Arts Society

 녹음: 1995/11/09~1996/07/19 Stereo, Digital
장소: John F.Kennedy Center For Performing Arts, Washington DC

[2011/5/6 da***님 입력]
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