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[2 CD] 4762601

내 음반WishList
프랑크 마르탱: 8개의 전주곡 (1947-48) 
MARTIN, Frank: Huit Préludes pour le piano (1947-48)

Julie Adam: piano

 녹음: 2003/08~11 Stereo, Digital
장소: the Eugene Goossens Hall at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Ultimo Centre

[2014/10/1 ne***님 입력]
프랑크 마르탱: 소묘 
MARTIN, Frank: Esquisse

Julie Adam: piano

 녹음: 2003/08~11 Stereo, Digital
장소: the Eugene Goossens Hall at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Ultimo Centre

[2014/10/1 ne***님 입력]
프랑크 마르탱: 달빛 
MARTIN, Frank: Clair de lune

Julie Adam: piano

 녹음: 2003/08~11 Stereo, Digital
장소: the Eugene Goossens Hall at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Ultimo Centre

[2014/10/1 ne***님 입력]
프랑크 마르탱: 리듬 연습곡 
MARTIN, Frank: Etude rythmique

Julie Adam: piano

 녹음: 2003/08~11 Stereo, Digital
장소: the Eugene Goossens Hall at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Ultimo Centre

[2014/10/1 ne***님 입력]
프랑크 마르탱: 기타레 
MARTIN, Frank: Guitare

Julie Adam: piano

 녹음: 2003/08~11 Stereo, Digital
장소: the Eugene Goossens Hall at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Ultimo Centre

[2014/10/1 ne***님 입력]

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