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[2 CD] 8.660434-35

내 음반WishList
J. 슈트라우스 II: "까막잡기" 
STRAUSS, J. II: Blindekuh

Robert Davidson (bass-baritone): Herr Scholle, landowner
Kirsten C. Kunkle (soprano): Frau Arabella, his wife
Martina Bortolotti (soprano): Waldine, his daughter from his first marriage
Roman Pichler (tenor): Hellmuth Forst
James Bowers (tenor): Adolf Bothwell, Scholle's nephew from America
Andrea Chudak (soprano): Betsy, Adolf's wife
Daniel Schliewa (tenor): Herr Kragel, officer of the Court
Emily K. Byrne (mezzo-soprano): Fräulein Elvira, governess to Waldine
Julian Rohde (tenor): Johann, Scholle's servan

Dario Salvi (conductor)
Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus

 녹음: 2019/01/07-13 Stereo, Digital
장소: Bulgaria Hall, Sofia

[2020/5/16 mo***님 입력]
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