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[13 CD] 0825646777075

내 음반WishList
베토벤: 25개의 스코틀랜드 노래 op. 108 
BEETHOVEN: 25 Scottish songs op. 108

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau: baritone

Yehudi Menuhin: violin
Heinrich Schiff: cello
Hartmut Höll: piano

 녹음: 1983/01 Stereo, Digital
장소: Siemensvilla, Berlin

전곡이 아닌 부분녹음

[2022/6/5 ne***님 입력]

[80 CD] 0825646782741

내 음반WishList

[2022/6/7 ne***님 입력]

[0825646777075] no.2 Sunset
no.3 Oh, sweet were the hours
no.7 Bonny laddie, highland laddie
no.12 Oh, had my fate been join'd with thine
no.13 Come fill, fill, my good fellow
no.16 Could this ill world have been contriv'd
no.20 Faithfu' Johnie

네티즌 200자평

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