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[1 CD] 8.550572

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소장한 회원: 2명
탈리스: 예레미아 애가 1부 
Tallis, Thomas: Lamentations - 1st set

Oxford Camerata

Jeremy Summerly (conductor)

 녹음: 1991/07/23~25 Stereo, Digital
장소: Chaple of New College, Oxford

[2005/3/3 jo***님 입력]
탈리스: 예레미아 애가 2부 
Tallis, Thomas: Lamentations - 2nd set

Oxford Camerata

Jeremy Summerly (conductor)

 녹음: 1991/07/23~25 Stereo, Digital
장소: Chaple of New College, Oxford

[2005/3/3 jo***님 입력]
화이트: 5성부 애가(哀歌) 
WHITE, Robert: Lamentations (for 5 voices)

Oxford Camerata

Jeremy Summerly (conductor)

 녹음: 1991/07/23~25 Stereo, Digital
장소: Chaple of New College, Oxford

[2006/5/28 jo***님 입력]
팔레스트리나: 성(聖) 목요일을 위한 제 1 독서 
PALESTRINA: Lesson 1 for Maundy Thursday

Oxford Camerata

Jeremy Summerly (conductor)

 녹음: 1991/07/23~25 Stereo, Digital
장소: Chaple of New College, Oxford

[2011/8/13 jo***님 입력]
올란드 드 라수스: 성(聖) 목요일을 위한 제 1 독서 
LASSUS, Orlande de: Lesson 1 for Maundy Thursday

Oxford Camerata

Jeremy Summerly (conductor)

 녹음: 1991/07/23~25 Stereo, Digital
장소: Chaple of New College, Oxford

[2011/8/13 jo***님 입력]
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